
By continuing, you acknowledge and confirm that you are over 18 years of age; that you understand the downloads offered by this site are for informational purposes only; that you understand that there are risks involved with any penis enlargement program; and that you understand that no such program should be undertaken without first consulting a medical professional.


Penis Enlargement Journal – In Pursuit of 8 Inches

inexpensive homemade DIY penis enlargement device

Welcome to True Size Increase — My Personal Penis Enlargement Journal

Like most men, I always dreamed of having a more impressive member and wondered if penis enlargement was really possible. My penis wasn’t small. I didn’t get negative reviews from women. But I always felt very average. And average wasn’t good enough. Who wants to be average in that department?

I Spent Several Years Studying…

and trying every penis enlargement method and/or device I could find. I spent hundreds of dollars on commercial penis extension devices. I did all the exercises — jelqing, stretching, helicopter spins, etc. All to no avail. I did achieve some minimal gains using a penis extender, but the hours involved were ridiculous! It wasn’t easy to conceal under clothing, and it wasn’t secure enough to wear in public. I was always aware of the risk that it would slip off and cause an embarrassing incident. It just wasn’t worth it.

Just when I was at the point of giving up…

I had an idea. What if I could design my own penis enlargement device that was easy to conceal under clothing, was completely secure against slippage, and was as effective (or more so) than any commercial device? It seemed like a long shot, but I went to work on it. After many months of trial and error, I finally came up with the design for my homemade DIY Penis Extender. Now, you can download complete instructions on how to build this device yourself for only $12.95. This remarkable system costs a small fraction of what the commercial devices cost. It’s much easier to conceal under clothing, allowing maximum time of usage. And it doesn’t slip off when you least expect it! I even jog in mine, with ZERO concerns about the device slipping off or being visible under clothing.

The next great advancement…

in my penis enlargement journey came completely by chance. I was watching a video about medicinal plants. There was all the usual advice about garlic’s antibiotic properties, and the vitamin content of various vegetables. This video mentioned a particular plant which I thought might be beneficial in penis enlargement. I began experimenting with it, and found the results to be quite amazing! I’ve used this Secret Supplement in three different forms, and you can download all the information regarding my experience with the three variations here for just $12.95. Trust me, this information is vital if you want to kick your penis enlargement gains into high gear.

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